Parishioner involvement and commitment is a vital part of our faith community. Two lay, parishioner-directed Councils play a critical role in the life of our parish and provide our Pastor, Rev. Juan Jose Esteban, with important advice and counsel to assist him in his position as head of St. Catherine of Siena Parish.
Our lay leadership Councils are:
The SCS PASTORAL COUNCIL, the premier Parish leadership body, which advances our Parish Mission, sets our Vision, and discerns and facilitates Strategic Plans to translate our Vision into reality. The Pastoral Council also liaisons with all individual Parish Ministries. Members of the Pastoral Council are identified through a discernment process, appointed by the Pastor and serve a term of 3 years.
The SCS FINANCE COUNCIL, which advises the Pastor on the Financial Operation of the Parish, reviews the Parish Budget submitted to the Archdiocese of Newark and monitors our Financial Performance against that Budget. Members of the Finance Council are appointed by the Pastor.
These Parish Leaders are eager to hear your views, ideas and suggestions, as well as answer questions or help navigate a path for your full participation in life at St. Catherine’s.
SCS Pastoral Council
Sally Costa Adrian San Roman
Harvey Ahn, Facilitator
Michelle Dehaven Rose DiMeo Janine Friel Nicole LoRe Anthony Muro Richard Sanducci Lenny Vega Donna Wagner-Nigro
Rev. Juan Joseh Esteban, Pastor
Rosemary Couillou, Pastoral Associate
SCS Finance Council 2024-25
Mark Loftus, Chair - [email protected] John Braun Rose DiMeo Zef Ferreira Joseph Guarneri Charlotte Leeds Jerry Oehm Tony Pereira Rev. Juan Jose Esteban, Pastor Jacqueline Alworth, Business Manager